a veritable blogfolio (blog + portfolio) of various graven images updated whenevs, howevs i can.
click to enlarge, or don't. comment, or don't. it's cool. i understand.
digital; 2008. began as an animated piece on zeDrawToy. stretched & altered afterwards. still think it would've looked better with the slight, hypnotic motion.
photo manipulation, digital, dust, sunlight; 2008. i've really been wanting to 'remix' somebody else's work for a while now. when i found out about Red Labor, i dove into "The Horseman Meets the Oarsman," by Dave Rau & Josh Bertrand. after dozens of varying trickeries, intermittent hours, and plenty of wayward paths, this is my final version.
digital, photo manipulation; 2008. this week's Inspire Me Thursday had us enter a peace-symbol related piece (yes, a peace piece) to HappyBirthdayPeace. given i already had, i thought i'd do a 'remix.' i've been neglecting my other child.